Welcome to Diamond Bar United Church of Christ!
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here...
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Walking Group 2022 |
Urban Mission(2) |
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Copy of Advent with 2022 |
Church Profile 2 |
Church Profile 1 |
Beverly _ Bill Birthday |
Chelsea and Jimmy Vann |
Choir Ladies Trio Christmas 2022 |
Choir 10162022 |
Advent John Moore, Joyce |
Choir with Gena |
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Trio of Giving 2021 - 2 |
Nov 14 2021 Sunday School |
Youth Ministry
The Sunday School Coordinator works with a staff of dedicated teachers to ensure a quality program for younger children. The Minister of Children and Youth focuses on the jr. and senior high youth, with class after Children’s Time in worship and youth group activity after church. During one week in the summer, Vacation Bible School is offered to members and community children age 6-12.
Adult Education
The Sunday School Coordinator works with a staff of dedicated teachers to ensure a quality program for younger children. The Minister of Children and Youth focuses on the jr. and senior high youth, with class after Children’s Time in worship and youth group activity after church. During one week in the summer, Vacation Bible School is offered to members and community children age 6-12.
Women's Ministry
Women’s Fellowship provides an opportunity for women to gather in support of one another in fellowship and spiritual growth. We meet monthly on the first Sunday of the month at 8 am for breakfast and meditation, discussion, and opportunities for service to the community. Women’s Fellowship has collected food, led worship service for UCC Women’s Week, planned the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Open and Affirming, made banners, and planned the annual Women’s Retreat.
Stewardship Ministry
The Stewardship Ministry provides guidance and direction for the responsible and faithful stewardship of all church resources. We plan and secure funds for maintenance and capital projects. Recently, projects were completed to upgrade the roof, parking lot, outdoor lighting and drainage, and windows and doors.
Outreach Ministry
The Outreach Ministry discerns the needs of others in the community and world and facilitates our active, just, and charitable response to those needs. We partner with Inland Valley Hope Partners by donating food to the Beta Center Food Bank, joining the annual Walk for the Hungry, and providing meals to Our House Shelter. We provide meeting space for AA weekly meetings. We provide sanctuary rental to weekly SDA and monthly Hindu worship congregations. We adopt families for Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas gifts. We sponsor a limited prison ministry and an overseas child.
"Jesus Left the Building"
On the fifth Sunday, which occurs once every three months, the worship service is abbreviated, so that service projects may follow, which takes members out of the church building and into the community. Preparing a dinner meal for Our House Shelter, filling bags with rice and beans for the food bank, picking up roadside litter, painting rooms at the food bank are real examples.
Our Church's Wider Ministry
Our goal is to contribute 10% of the church's income to Our Church's Wider Mission. This budgeted item provides basic support from United Church of Christ congregations for the Southern California Nevada Conference (SCNCUCC) and the National ministries of the United Church of Christ. Four denomination-wide special offerings are also taken, one per quarter.
Social Hour
Coffee, donuts, and sometimes special treats and refreshments are self-served on the patio after the service. It’s a great time to get to know each other better!